{"id":2008,"date":"2017-04-11T14:00:35","date_gmt":"2017-04-11T14:00:35","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/gem-report-2016.unesco.org\/?page_id=2008"},"modified":"2017-04-27T14:14:08","modified_gmt":"2017-04-27T14:14:08","slug":"accountability-in-the-news-more-chinese","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"http:\/\/gem-report-2017.unesco.org\/zh\/accountability-in-the-news-more-chinese\/","title":{"rendered":"Accountability in the news more Chinese"},"content":{"rendered":"
UK overseas aid budget fraud levels do not seem credible, watchdog says<\/a><\/p>\n Democracy campaigner: governments are scared of the participation revolution<\/a><\/p>\n Uganda: Presidential Pledges to Education Sector Hit Shs 100 Billion<\/a><\/p>\n Liberia: Lack of Teachers Crippling Public Schools<\/a><\/p>\n USA: Day care licensing bill passes Alabama House<\/a><\/p>\n South Africa: The No-Fee School Where Parents Were Forced to Pay Fees <\/a><\/p>\n Uganda: Bridge Schools Submit 28 Academies for Licensing<\/a><\/p>\n Right to Education Index 2016 Data Now Live<\/a><\/p>\n Nigeria: Tambuwal Lauds Assembly for Passing Right to Education Law<\/a><\/p>\n Argentina | Por la confrontaci\u00f3n pol\u00edtica, se frena el debate de leyes sobre corrupci\u00f3n y educaci\u00f3n<\/a><\/p>\n Ecuador:\u00a0Maestros ecuatorianos obtuvieron 15 millones de horas en capacitaciones en el \u00faltimo per\u00edodo<\/a><\/p>\n Argentina | Preocupante: los docentes argentinos lideran un ranking global de ausentismo<\/a><\/p>\n Bermuda | Community brainstorms education solutions<\/a><\/p>\n M\u00e9xico | Evaluaci\u00f3n docente concluir\u00e1 en 2027: INEE<\/a><\/p>\n Kenyan TSC introduces online appraisals<\/a><\/p>\n USA:\u00a0Don\u2019t Use Kindergarten Readiness Assessments for Accountability<\/a><\/p>\n India: 7 yrs on, RTI law yet be implemented in true spirit.<\/a><\/p>\n UK government under fire for failure to regulate aid contractors<\/a><\/p>\n UK:\u00a0British support for Africa down as fears rise over transparency of aid spending<\/a><\/p>\n Belgium:\u00a0La ligue des droits de l\u2019enfant refuse la marchandisation de l\u2019\u00e9cole\u00a0<\/a><\/p>\n From Free to Fee – Are For-Profit, Fee-Charging, Private Schools the solution for the world\u2019s poor?<\/a><\/p>\n India:\u00a0Low Cost Private Schools: School choice for the poor at the expense of quality?<\/a><\/p>\n France commits to act against commercialisation of education in international cooperation<\/a><\/p>\n Kenya: Teacher Union Official ‘Wants School Scandal Covered Up’\u00a0<\/a><\/p>\n World Bank:\u00a0What happens when you start with the results in mind?<\/a><\/p>\n Afghanistan: Violence, corruption threaten Afghan progress in getting kids to school<\/a><\/p>\n Pakistan: \u2018No major intervention to implement right to education laws<\/a><\/p>\n India: Rethink on detention system at school-level<\/a><\/p>\n UAE: Best students in Dubai to get best private\u00a0education<\/a><\/p>\n UK: Teaching crisis: learning the hard way<\/a><\/p>\n US: Higher fines for parents of\u00a0truant\u00a0school\u00a0students\u00a0won’t work, say …<\/a>principals<\/p>\n UK\u00a0: Two teachers unions have voted to merge to become a single \u201csuper union\u201d<\/a><\/p>\n India: School management committee\u00a0dissolved over poor meals<\/a><\/p>\n USA: Becoming a Teacher and a Leader in Today’s Classroom<\/a><\/p>\n India: Business of Teacher Education in Haryana<\/a><\/p>\n Morocco: Ecoles priv\u00e9es : Panique g\u00e9n\u00e9rale<\/a><\/p>\n Timo Mahn Jones (DIE): Accountability for development cooperation under the 2030 Agenda<\/a>.<\/p>\n Singapore: Why high-flying Singapore wants more than grades<\/a><\/p>\n Sudan: Kordofan Teachers Boycot Examinations<\/a><\/p>\n USA: Opinion: How digital financial services can boost government accountability<\/a><\/p>\n Kenya: Teachers’ Union to Call for Strike If No New Teachers<\/a><\/p>\n Kenya: TSC Warns Schools Against Hiring Unregistered Teachers.\u00a0<\/a><\/p>\n USA:\u00a0 Why Isn’t There a Uniform Process to Prevent Teacher Sexual Misconduct?\u00a0<\/a><\/p>\n USS: American Teachers Unions Oppose Innovative Schools\u2014in Africa<\/a><\/p>\n US Senate Votes to Repeal Teacher Training Law<\/a><\/p>\n Hong Kong: Parents, teachers threaten to boycott \u2018revamped\u2019 primary school TSA tests<\/a><\/p>\n Australia: Plea to fix girlfriendly bias in Naplan testing<\/a><\/p>\n USA: Student Testing: \u201cDistrict Leadership in the New Era of Assessment\u201d<\/a><\/p>\n Kenya: Crisis as half of trainees in teachers’ colleges fail\u00a0exam<\/a><\/p>\n Uruguay: Docentes denuncian sobrepoblaci\u00f3n en liceos y ya analizan medidas<\/a><\/p>\n How can media inspire accountability and political participation?.<\/a><\/p>\n USA: What happened when one school banned homework \u2014 and asked kids to read and play instead.<\/a><\/p>\n Sierra leone Low-Cost Private Schools a Success for Developing World Families<\/a><\/p>\n Uganda: 60 Schools Face Closure Over Standards<\/a><\/p>\n China: 3 math events to end after calls to cut student stress<\/a><\/p>\n South Korea: An Assault Upon Our Children: South Korea’s Education System …<\/a><\/p>\n Jamaica: Early Childhood Commission looking to certify 300 schools by 2019<\/a><\/p>\n USA: The New Preschool Is Crushing Kids<\/a><\/p>\n Trinidad: Parents, why were your children not in school?<\/a><\/p>\n Venezuela: Padres de familia se desligan de la educaci\u00f3n de sus hijos<\/a><\/p>\n Argentina: Docentes argentinos no iniciar\u00e1n clases por demandas salariales \u00a0<\/a><\/p>\n UK: workloads spark a crisis in teacher recruitment and retention<\/a><\/p>\n Finland: new oath for teachers introduced by union<\/a><\/p>\n Uganda: 23 Head Teachers Demoted Over Exams<\/a><\/p>\n Uganda: Pupils, Teachers Desert Govt Schools<\/a><\/p>\n USA: The war on Betsy DeVos is all about the\u00a0teachers unions<\/a><\/p>\n Colombia: Gobierno se sentar\u00e1 a dialogar con maestros el pr\u00f3ximo 9 de marzo<\/a><\/p>\n Tanzania: Education\u00a0ministry to roll out public participation on new curriculum<\/a><\/p>\n GCPEA:\u00a0France and Canada: 58th and 59th Countries to Endorse Safe Schools Declaration<\/a><\/p>\n Australia: The sad truth about\u00a0education: it’s easier to blame someone else …<\/a><\/p>\n Haiti\u00a0: RTE\u00a0: La loi sur les frais scolaires promulgu\u00e9e en Ha\u00efti<\/a><\/p>\n Myanmar Govt launches national\u00a0education\u00a0plan<\/a><\/p>\n UNICEF : Fran\u00e7ois Hollande annonce la signature par la France de la D\u00e9claration sur la s\u00e9curit\u00e9 dans les \u00e9coles<\/a><\/p>\n South Africa: The Budget According to Students<\/a><\/p>\n Why global education rankings don\u2019t reveal the whole\u00a0picture<\/a> Daniel Caro<\/a><\/p>\n USA: Arizona State Board of\u00a0Education\u00a0seeks public’s input on letter …<\/a><\/p>\n UK: Schools in England ‘to see first real-terms funding cuts in 20 years’<\/a><\/p>\n Hong Kong\u00a0education\u00a0chiefs stamp out study drills…<\/a><\/p>\n Education\u00a0publisher Pearson reports biggest loss in its history<\/a><\/p>\n Liberia\u2019s bold experiment in school reform (Bridge)<\/a><\/p>\n Kenya: Court upholds the closure of Bridge schools in Kenya<\/a>.<\/p>\n Uganda: Teachers Accuse Uneb of Aiding Exam Cheating<\/a><\/p>\n FRANCE: Un scandale tranquille\u00a0: des enseignants toujours aussi\u00a0mal\u00a0form\u00e9s<\/a>.<\/p>\n Tanzania: Panic As Tanzania Blacklists Over 8 000 University Students<\/a><\/p>\n UK: ‘Ofsted needs to realise that schools in poor areas can’t just be judged on test scores’<\/a><\/p>\n China: Piano lessons, maths classes and hours of homework \u2026 a weekend in the life of China\u2019s stressed-out kids<\/a><\/p>\n China: Education chief is dodging his responsibilities<\/a><\/p>\n Liberia: Outsourcing Liberia\u2019s Education System: A New level of Absurdity in Education\u00a0Provisioning<\/a><\/p>\n UK: Teacher shortage getting worse, say MPs bbc.in\/2m2fdUM<\/a><\/p>\n Zimbabwe: Headmaster Fudges Pass Rates<\/a><\/p>\n Hong Kong A spate of student suicides is forcing Hong Kong to confront its cutthroat school system<\/a><\/p>\n Argentina: Corrupci\u00f3n y desastre educativo<\/a><\/p>\n USA: New study finds DC CharterSchools & SchoolVouchers increase segregation: apartheid, & underserving poor<\/a><\/p>\n Tanzania: 4 Education Officers Held Over Sh100 Million Loss<\/a><\/p>\n Uganda: NGO Petitions Uganda Parliament Over Increased Tuition<\/a><\/p>\n Malawi: MANEB in anti exam cheating campaign<\/a><\/p>\n Uganda: Councillors Call for Privatisation of Universal Primary Education Schools<\/a><\/p>\n Uganda: Govt Mulls Banning Regular Tests in Schools<\/a><\/p>\n Rwanda: University of Rwanda Rises in World Ranking<\/a><\/p>\n Argentina: Pol\u00e9mica por la cantidad de docentes frente al aula<\/p>\n http:\/\/www.ellitoral.com\/index.php\/diarios\/2017\/02\/12\/educacion\/EDUC-01.html<\/a><\/p>\n Chile: Chile’s School Voucher System: Enabling Choice or Perpetuating Social Inequality?<\/a><\/p>\n Kenya: Outspoken teacher unionist tells teachers to ignore TSC order to work on weekends http:\/\/www.nation.co.ke\/news\/education\/sossion-tells-teachers-to-ignore-order-to-work-on-weekends\/2643604-3809632-8s6cg6z\/<\/a><\/p>\n Netherlands: Dutch government asked to explain backing of for-profit education<\/a><\/p>\n Kenya: Govt’s Pay Offer Inadequate – Kenyan Lecturers<\/a><\/p>\n Uganda: We Need Strong Accountability Mechanisms for Quality Education<\/a><\/p>\n UK: Ofsted inspections are unreliable by design<\/a>.<\/p>\n UK: Who\u2019s left: Will Progress 8 reduce incentives to lose low-attaining pupils? <\/a>\u00a0Progress 8 is the \u2018value added\u2019 measure by which secondary schools are now being judged \u2013 it came into play from the 2015\/16 academic year.<\/p>\n SouthAfrica<\/a>: Civil society organisations launch Basic #Education<\/a> Rights Handbook. bit.ly\/2lfPNBZ<\/a><\/p>\n UK: Who\u2019s left: How do pupils count in league tables, and how does our reweighting approach work?<\/a><\/p>\n Pakistan: Smart solutions to improve Pakistan\u2019s education <\/a>Supported by a GPE grant, the Sindh school monitoring system is the first digital system in the education sector in Pakistan that allows transparent and effective monitoring of staff, students and school infrastructure.<\/p>\n Tanzania: Chief Justice Urges Sustainable, Best Judicial Education<\/a><\/p>\n Bolivia: Urge reglamento ante violencia en las escuelas<\/p>\n http:\/\/www.lostiempos.com\/actualidad\/nacional\/20170209\/urge-reglamento-violencia-escuelas<\/a><\/p>\n Argentina: Uno de cada 3 docentes primarios estatales no cumple tareas educativas directamente en el aula http:\/\/www.lacapitalmdp.com\/uno-de-cada-3-docentes-primarios-estatales-no-cumple-tareas-educativas-directamente-en-el-aula\/<\/a><\/p>\n Uruguay: MEC exigi\u00f3 que el Parlamento apruebe ley contra violencia de g\u00e9nero http:\/\/www.montevideo.com.uy\/contenido\/MEC-exigio-que-el-Parlamento-apruebe-ley-contra-violencia-de-genero-334404<\/a><\/p>\n Bermuda: Progress on Early Childhood Education http:\/\/www.royalgazette.com\/news\/article\/20170210\/house–progress-on-early-childhood-education<\/a><\/p>\n Jamaica: Gov’t to attempt introduction of teachers licensing again http:\/\/jamaica-gleaner.com\/article\/news\/20170209\/thronespeech-govt-attempt-introduction-teachers-licensing-again<\/a><\/p>\n NZ: The Education for All Forum has called on government<\/a> to legislate for the right for every child and young person to an inclusive education in their submission to Parliament on Education Act changes.<\/p>\n WB: Quality education for all: measuring progress in Francophone Africa<\/a><\/p>\n Rwanda: Unqualified Teachers to Be Phased Out in a Year<\/a><\/p>\n Zimbabwe: Thousands Could Drop Out of School As Govt Fails to Pay Fees<\/a><\/p>\n Bolivia: Directores participar\u00e1n en la evaluaci\u00f3n de los estudiantes<\/a><\/p>\n Panam\u00e1: Beca universal para escuelas privadas, desde el a\u00f1o 2018<\/a><\/p>\n Zimbabwe: Education Pre-Bill Consultations End<\/a><\/p>\n Zimbabwe: Pupils ‘In Hospital After School Beating’ – Report<\/a><\/p>\n UK foreign aid fraud investigations ‘quadruple in last five years’<\/a><\/p>\n Turning higher education into a market is \u201cneither desirable nor workable\u201d, says chief economics commentator of FT. timeshighereducation.com\/news\/martin-wo\u2026<\/a><\/p>\n Brookings: 6 lessons for using data to improve student learning in developing countries<\/a> Tight budgets harm standards, says world school ranking boss
\nUK: Parents win courtcase after charged for taking their child to Disneyland during termtime.<\/a><\/p>\n