Rendre des comptes dans l’actualité
Cette page est régulièrement actualisée pour présenter des nouvelles du monde entier sur les thématiques du GEM Rapport 2017 portant sur la responsabilité et l’éducation. Les articles sont présentés en langue originale.
- International student table 2017: top 200 universities
- ActionAid: How governments are failing on the right to education
- Hong Kong educators call for parents to give revised TSA a chance amid ‘reduced’ drilling
- Uganda: Teachers to Sign Commitment Letters In a bid to improve the declining education standards in Luuka, primary school teachers in the district will be compelled to sign a commitment agreement, senior district officials have said.
- TEACHRights: Low cost private schools: School choice for the poor at the expense of quality?
- South Africa: Man Hauls Six Schools to Court Over Religious Teachings in State School A Stellenbosch man is taking six schools to court over how far the institutions can go with teaching religion at state schools.
- RESULTS Educational Funds: From free to fee – Are for-profit, fee-charging, private schools the solution for the world’s poor?
- Michigan education groups file suit to block private school funding
- CLADE: La educación es un servicio público y un bien común que no debe ser comercializado, señaló el Ministro francés Jean-Marie Le Guen
- Secretario General: Cuestión del ejercicio efectivo, en todos los países, de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales