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Join the @GEMReport #MakeItPublic campaign to call on all countries to produce regular national education monitoring reports Bit.ly/makeitpublic

The @GEMReport is calling on all governments to report on education progress to their citizens through national education monitoring reports #MakeItPublic Bit.ly/makeitpublic

Governments should be transparent about their progress towards their education commitments so that we can hold them to account #MakeItPublic Bit.ly/makeitpublic

Find out if your government produces an education monitoring report and help us update the list #MakeItPublic Bit.ly/makeitpublic

Does your country have a national education monitoring report? Visit our #MakeItPublic campaign website to find out Bit.ly/makeitpublic

Only 1/2 countries have published a national education monitoring report since 2010, and most do not produce them regularly – Find out how you can help change this #MakeItPublic Bit.ly/makeitpublic

Let’s combine efforts to ensure that more countries produce regular, relevant and rigorous national education monitoring reports for their citizens – Join the @GEMReport’s #MakeItPublic campaign Bit.ly/makeitpublic

Join the @GEMReport #MakeItPublic campaign to call on all countries to produce regular national education monitoring reports Bit.ly/makeitpublic

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National monitoring reports help citizens understand whether governments fulfil their education commitments. Join the @GEMReport #MakeItPublic campaign to call on all countries to produce regular national education monitoring reports Bit.ly/makeitpublic



National monitoring reports help citizens understand whether governments fulfil their education commitments. Only one in every two countries have published a national education monitoring report since 2010, and most do not produce them regularly. Join the GEM Report’s #MakeItPublic campaign to call on all countries to produce regular national education monitoring reports. Bit.ly/makeitpublic


Does your country have a national education monitoring report? Visit our #MakeItPublic campaign website to find out Bit.ly/makeitpublic

More tweets

Citizens need a regular report on the implementation of the national education strategy or plan to be able to hold government to account. Join the @GEMReport campaign and ask all governments to #MakeItPublic Bit.ly/makeitpublic

Monitoring reports can interpret evidence, identify problems to support decisions and follow-up actions, and provide the basis for evaluation #MakeItPublic Bit.ly/makeitpublic

National monitoring reports help citizens understand whether governments fulfil their education commitments #MakeItPublic Bit.ly/makeitpublic

National monitoring reports are an important tool through which civil society and the media can hold governments to account #MakeItPublic Bit.ly/makeitpublic

Regional organizations can also produce monitoring reports, which provide a snapshot of progress and challenges in reaching the goals of regional education strategies and plans #MakeItPublic Bit.ly/makeitpublic

The @GEMReport is calling on all governments to report on education progress to their citizens through national education monitoring reports #MakeItPublic Bit.ly/makeitpublic